About AnaPress

Welcome to AnaPress, a Social Blog for Tracking anything related to Vampires/Vampyres, Media, Music, Social Sites, Twitter Lists, Facebook lists and more here. This blog sees allot of posting, anywhere from witchcraft gimmicks to true form vampirism and shamanism.

I am currently deciding if I want to move all my writings over between WordPress, Facebook and Tumblr, due to how Klout worthy all those networks are. If I am going to write and blog about Vampires, Vampirism, and Energy Shamanism and Spirituality for the Spirit, I am going to need a network where Klout is admired. 😉

My Name is Ana Massien. I am 37 years old and I am a Vampirologist. I write about basics, and advanced writings of Vampirism, and energy shamanism due to Ascension and Light Body preparation. I am a Geek and a Spiritualist Nut shaman who likes to admire and work with strange pathways that feel good to my spirit. I have to do more than just practice yoga, I do yoga in my spirit as a projection.

I write about a plethora of objects, as well as like positive media for my spirit.

Welcome to my WordPress. You’ll either respect my views and opinions or you won’t.

–Ana Massien



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