Hello and Welcome.

English: WordPress Logo

English: WordPress Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Image representing Tumblr as depicted in Crunc...

Image via CrunchBase

Image representing Spruz as depicted in CrunchBase

Image via CrunchBase


I am Ana Massien. I am a Vampirologist. I study vampirism and energy shamanism, for I have the belief that I am an energy shaman, as well as a true form Vampire.

I have been one all the days of my life ( I am 37 years old), but “awoke” to new signs of it in my early teens, like most of the online vampire community. However, even though I drank donor-ed blood for +5 years, I have since stopped doing so and do not support donor politics inside any vampire community. I drink and siphon life energy in the form of the thranamorphic and elemental energy, from ley lines, earth itself, storms, candle flames, fire, waterfalls, and natural foods: Veggies, Fruits and drinks like Coffee, because of the bean, not the caffiene.

I believe that I have witnessed an energy vibrational change called ascension, and that my body keeps going through it constantly. This process is called Light Body DNA awakening, or Ascensional Energy Change and VIbration. I am aware of my DNA, TRA, SRA, and NRA, and my MRA, and my ITRA as well as other parts. I am aware of my Trana, Srana, Svara, Mara, Mvara, Itrva, Itrvana, Sravana, Mvarana, Nvra/na and others, as well as Disincarnate memory: DRava, Dra, Dravana and more. There is many processes in ascension. I will be talking about some of these on VampPress.

Since this is wordpress, I decided to call this VampPress, due to it being primarily about Vampires/Vampyres. Klout is something I am influential about, and mine is currently at 41 and going up, WordPress and Tumblr is klout oriented and I would like to experience a better blogging and writing platform than Spruz.

Currently, Spruz hosts two of my sites, GraveDollz.com and VampyrePages.org, and while spruz is excellent cheap host for wikis, its not to ordeal for social networks. Pictures and other pages sometimes lag, and on a site like those I’d like to give my people a faster webhost. So I am currently looking at Tumblr and WordPress as that next step in social network hosting that is affordable on a smaller budget. Who knows, by years end I may be back on grou.ps at their Gold Plan, or TMDHosting.com or Siteground.com and use their dolphin platform. However, neither of those track klout!

Maybe just build a page on Facebook, and go that direction for a while, as it is also klout worthy.

One thought on “Hello and Welcome.

  1. […] Hello and Welcome. (anamassien.wordpress.com) […]